
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Can You Have 5 Kids and Look Amazing at 47?

1. Tell us something about yourself!

My name is Samantha Celaya, I live in Southern California.  I am 47 years old and a mother of 5, proud grandmother of a grandson! I have been doing medical billing and collections for 20 years. 

2. For how long you’ve been working out and what progress have you made?

I started working out in June 2012 because I really needed to lose weight, thought I would be happy with losing 20 pounds.  As I continued to work out and became addicted to it, I have now lost 40 pounds!  I started out with Zumba classes then Yoga and Pilates then started a Body Pump class.  I loved lifting so I started hitting weights. I was so lost when I first started, I hit everything all in one day! LOL  After some help from my #FitFam on Twitter and the internet, I now have this down. I now lift weights daily and I am getting stronger and leaner by the day! I have gained confidence that I never imagined.

3. How did you managed to recover after your 5 pregnancies and get in the amazing shape you are today?

The only way to recover from anything is through complete dedication and discipline to no end. My children support me and my goals and they encourage me to keep going.  This new lifestyle does not include a “diet”, the key is to change your eating habits and fuel your body with healthy foods. 

4. Which is your actual training routine?

I hit legs Mondays and Fridays. Shoulders and back on Tuesdays. Chest on Wednesdays and Biceps and triceps on Thursdays. Saturdays I usually hit shoulders again. For my detailed routines, visit me on Twitter. I am more than happy to share and help.

5. Tell us your favorite exercise and your favorite meal.

My favorite exercise has to be Zercher Squats Sumo Style, that usually cripples me for a couple of days! My favorite meal is usually a big juicy steak! But I eat more tuna, spinach and egg whites than anything else!

6. By the way, how do you manage to keep up with your professional life, your workouts, your own personal time and your 5 children?

Planning keeps me on schedule for everything.  Plans, small or big are very important. I incorporate some of my fitness activities or exercises into say getting my girls to soccer practice. I have them ride their bikes and I run alongside them. Usually get in a good 5 miles that way. So by planning and incorporating, I kill two birds with one stone and everyone is happy.

7. What are your future Fitness plans?

I plan on continuing to hit the gym every day.  I always get asked if I am going to compete.. and while it wasn’t something I ever thought about, it just might be a possibility.  I feel that I can do anything I want to do!

8. What keeps you motivated to workout and to follow a healthy lifestyle?

That’s easy, seeing how proud my children are of me and feeling great is enough for me. Its important that I lead by example and to be able to stay active for my family.

9. How can people get in touch with you?

They can find me on My Twitter account or send me an email at:

10. And finally say a few words to the readers of!

I thank you for the opportunity to share my story.  I want to set an example for women that are my age and are struggling to get back into those small jeans you have.  Anyone can do this, just have to be committed to this lifestyle and you will soon see results!  Be patient and stay the course!

So the answer to our initial question: "Can You Have 5 Kids and Look Amazing at 47?" is "YES You Can!"

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