
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Top 10 Pro Bodybuilders

Here are the Best Professional Bodybuilders, a top based on the results of Mr. Olympia 2012. They are:

1. Phil Heath
2. Kai Greene
3. Shawn Rhoden
4. Dexter Jackson
5. Branch Warren
6. Dennis Wolf
7. Toney Freeman
8. Evan Centopani
9. Johnnie Jackson
10. Lionel Beyeke 

And who is your favorite bodybuilder? Who do you think will win the Mr. Olympia 2013? Tell us your opinions by leaving a comment below.  And in case you are looking for the workout routine of one of the top pro bodybuilders, we highly recommend you the MI40 Muscle Building System. This program was made by Ben Pakulski, one of the rising superstars in this sport. He was second at the Arnold Classic 2013, 11th at Mr. Olympia 2012 and many more great results are awaiting for him in the future. Click Here for more info!