
Saturday, December 19, 2015

5 Common Bulking Blunders

Eating everything in sight might make you bigger, but will not necessarily make you more muscular as well. In fact, muscles can’t grow as and when you wish them to as any tampering with them is neither productive beyond a limit nor possible for being only influenced by largely uncontrollable genetic and other factors.

What should you do then? To bulk up, you rather need to follow a diet that is optimized for muscle building. Make sure that the diet is not short on the right nutrients as it might make you lose, rather than gain, some of the stored-up muscle mass. 

Bulking up seems a task full of confusion for those aspiring for a ripped look. Which is why, some blunders are pretty much justified in the endeavor. Make sure you read some points discussed below to get a grip on the subject:-

1. Your body can add fat cells, but it can't remove them

A body with more fat cells finds it easier to store fat. You should know that once your body starts to create new fat calls, you will have them forever, even if you burn the fat at a certain point. While fat from the cells can be reduced, the cells themselves can only be removed through surgery. So, it would be a mistake to get fatter and add new fat cells to your body. This way losing fat becomes harder while putting on fat becomes easier on the long term.

2. Lean people gain more muscle

Calories often go to either fat or muscle if the intake is excessive. Conversely, the needed energy is pulled away from either muscle or fat when there is a calorie deficiency. With a high metabolic rate and good partitioning, the body finds it easier to pull energy from fat cells and guide it to muscle cells. It means that gaining muscle would depend on the body fat – the less the fat, the bigger the chances of gaining muscle. That pretty much explains why it’s easier to gain muscle when your body fat level is between 10 and 15%, and it's easier to gain fat (and harder to gain muscle) once you go past 15% body fat. 

3. Muscle growth happens in spurts

It’d be a blunder to try and force your muscles to grow non-stop. They won’t bulge beyond a point and if you persist, it may lead to excessive fat. Never try to overload the body with calories as doing this may harm your physique and your metabolism. You need to read the signs the body emits as going against the grain would be a mistake.

4. Cutting gets harder every time you bulk

Our body is bound by genetics and other factors to produce muscle tissue up to a point, not beyond that. In that sense, it’s not going to help anyone who’s in the habit of bulking up and then cutting down. The bulk/cut routine is reasonably achievable up to a point but after that, personal wishes don’t fetch the desired results. Your obsession with cutting may leave you with less muscle mass.

5. Bulking can become overwhelming

One of the common mistakes with bulking up is our absurd greed to ‘get more in less time’. Setting such an unrealistic target means inviting a lot of troubles, and a variety of challenges such as meal preparation, cooking time, constant eating and a big grocery bill. So be reasonable, set smaller and more realistic goals and definitely follow a well designed muscle building program.

In a nutshell, bulking up is something that should go with the needs of the body and follow a sensible regime. With realistic targets, not only would you bulk up but do it in a timely way together with saving a whole lot of inconveniences for yourself, such as gaining excessive body fat.

About The Author: Akshay Sharma is a digital marketing enthusiast and has written many topics on the related field. He works with truGym, which is counted among one of the Best Gyms in the UK.