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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Common Signs You Are Nutrient Deficient

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients which help the body to function and develop well. A balanced diet can provide all nutrients but body may find this healthy food inadequate under various medical conditions. A majority of population suffers from some type of nutritional deficiency due to unhealthy eating habits and medical conditions. Lack of nutrients can cause various problems and escalate health issues depending on the type of deficiency.

Nutrient deficiencies are not apparent easily but can be detected by observing simple signs:

  1. Vitamin A – This vitamin helps in maintaining immunity, healthy skin, good vision, reproduction and communication between cells. Deficiency of Vitamin A often causes loss of sight at night, dry hair and skin, recurring conjunctivitis, infected eyes, acne, macular degeneration, ridges on nails, color blindness and sometimes bumps also appear on the skin. Foods such as carrots, pumpkin, capsicum along with green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and lettuce are rich sources of Vitamin A.
  2. Vitamin C – This is an important antioxidant which helps in neutralizing the bad chemicals within body. Common signs of Vitamin C deficiency include bleeding gums, tooth loss, nosebleeds, bruising, muscle weakness and fatigue along with delayed healing of wounds and low immunity. Fruits containing citrus such as orange and grapefruit along with vegetables such as tomato, cabbage, spinach and broccoli contain a good amount of Vitamin C.
  3. Vitamin D – Bone development and immunity of a person are greatly reliant on Vitamin D. Signs of low Vitamin D include aching bones, obesity, depression and muscle weakness. It is very easy to obtain this nutrient through dairy products, fish, eggs and sunlight.
  4. Vitamin E – Another important antioxidant, Vitamin E defends the cells against damage and provides strength to muscles while shielding the body against neurological problems. Commonly observed symptoms due to lack of Vitamin E include problems in the eyes and skin along with issues in fertility and brain function. People can get Vitamin E from healthy foods such as green and leafy vegetables, almonds, shellfish etc.
  5. Vitamin K – After an injury, the blood clots over the damaged area to stop further bleeding which is done with the help of Vitamin K. A lack of this vitamin can be determined through signs like easy bruising and bleeding, blood in stools or urine or heavy menstruation. Foods containing rich amounts of Vitamin K are asparagus, dry herbs, Brussels, olive oil, soy beans, leek etc.
  6. Vitamin B12 – This vitamin helps in functioning of the brain and nervous system along with assisting red blood cell formation in body. Commonly observed signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency are difficulty in walking or maintaining body balance, swollen tongue, and weakness, loss of vision, memory loss, hallucinations and fatigue along with numbness in limbs. Beef, shellfish, oily fishes, lamb, dairy products and eggs are common sources of this vitamin.
  7. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 and foliate – Also referred to as the remaining B Vitamins, these are very important for brain development and functioning of body. Deficiency symptoms of these vitamins are marked by fatigue, athlete’s foot, dandruff, and pale skin and vision problems. Sources rich in these vitamins include whole grains, oranges, legumes and bananas.
  8. Fatty Acids – Also known as Omega-3, these acids help in proper brain functioning and normal development and growth of body. Common signs of their deficiency include skin problems such as dryness, itchiness, scales, flakes, cracks, bumps along with dry eyes and slow recovery of wounds. Foods such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, egg yolk, walnuts and oily fishes are a rich source of fatty acids.
  9. Calcium – This is an important nutrient which is required to maintain the strength of bones and teeth while supporting the skeletal structure. Lack of calcium in the body may be indicated by muscle cramps, coarse hair, dry skin, brittle nails, fatigue and numbness or tingling around near the mouth and fingers. Dairy products, green leafy vegetables, almonds, and fishes having edible bones are a great source for calcium.
  10. Iron – It helps in the production of red blood cells and improves the transfer of oxygen within the body. Deficiency of iron has includes symptoms such as tiredness, short breath, cold limbs, heavy menstruation, weakness, headaches, pale skin, and dizziness. Iron rich foods are dark vegetables, dark chocolate, tofu, beef and lamb along with seafood.
  11. Magnesium – This nutrient maintains a normal function within the nerves and muscles of the body while supporting the immune system and bones. A lack of Magnesium in the body may be indicated by fatigue, eyelid spams, anxiety or stress, hot flushes along with high blood pressure. Foods such as nuts and seeds, avocado, dairy products, lentils and other legumes are a good way of obtaining magnesium.
  12. Zinc – Helping the brain and immune system to function normally, zinc is an important nutrient in the human body. Common signs indicating a zinc deficiency are diarrhea, thin and brittle hair, skin problems, mouth ulcers, dandruff, eyelid spams and stretch marks along with white nail spots. People can get zinc through foods such as shellfish, spinach, mushrooms, dark chocolate, legumes, milk, seafood, beef and lamb.

A presence of nutrients allows the body to develop but does not guarantee fitness to a person. People should exercise regularly through workout equipment like adjustable dumbbells or by engaging in sports to keep their body strong and active. Since fitness also includes proper relaxation, people can try yoga, massage therapy and sleeping aid to give their body proper rest. People should also keep engaging in different activities such as learning to play musical instrument such as ukulele, practicing pottery or meditation to keep their mind active and healthy as well.